Shipping Policy
All products are MADE TO ORDER and will be shipped within 7-10 business days via UPS. For our Virgin Islands customers, shipping will be through USPS - Priority/Express mail ONLY.
Because our raw sea moss and soaps are non-perishable, we allow our customers to use USPS.
Order processing time is 2-4 business days, with shipping adding 1-3 business days, depending on your shipping distance from our shipping location. We strive to provide quick order processing; however, please note that the shipping times provided are estimated.
You may receive your order earlier or later, depending on the volume or other issues outside our control.
Please allow 7-10 business days (DOES NOT include holidays or the weekend (Saturday & Sunday)) from which the order was placed to receive your order.
NOTE: If juices are included with your order, it is recommended that you adjust shipping to Next Day Air Saver.
You will receive an email notification once your order is ready for shipment. We ask that you track daily using the tracking number in your shipment confirmation email to catch any delays or issues. If, for any reason, there is an issue with your shipment, please get in touch with us immediately via our contact page.
Shipped orders will go out weekly on Mondays, Tuesdays, & Wednesdays (please have your order in by the Friday before). This policy safeguards packages not sitting at shipping facilities over the weekend and ensures maximum freshness of our products. Orders placed after Friday will be shipped out the following week.
NOTE: The carrier may take 24-48 hours to update tracking information.
Via UPS: 1-2 business days once the carrier possesses the order.
Via USPS: 1-3 business days once the carrier possesses the order.
NOTE: Please be patient with the shipping services, as extended times may occur due to COVID-19.
Once your order has been received, PLEASE refrigerate or place it in the freezer IMMEDIATELY. Island Dream cannot be held responsible for orders left outside or not picked up, as sea moss is a heat-sensitive product.
Pickup: All local orders will have a 7-10 business day turnaround period. Customers will be notified via email once an order is ready for pickup; instructions will also be included.
NOTE: We are unable to hold orders. Please see the shipping information above if you cannot pick it up.